Computing device for surgical system - patent pending 10/21
Display Screen or Portion Thereof w Structural Variation Indicator - Patent pending - 01/18
Display Screen of Portion Thereof with Zygosity Icon - U.S Application No.:29/583,582 - 01/18
Graphical User Interface for a display Screen or portion - Patent pending - 01/18
Automated system for conducting biochemical reactions - 08/15
System & method for application session continuity - united states US20110219105A1
3D remote control device -united states USD681012 S1
Auto-control of vehicle infotainment system based on extracted characteristics of car occupants - 05/11
System for tasks and notification handling in connected car - 05/11
Awards / Recognition:
2010 - Instrument Business Outlook's Gold Award - HiScan
2010 - Red dot design award: GSHS vaärenta water filter
2009 - Plantronics / Design-boom- sound innovations contest - honorable mention
2007 - Holland herald - "the smart issue: smart Gear"
2006 - IDSA merit student award
2006 - Business week online: Peapod folding crutch
2005 - Electrolux Designlab contest - imagine 2020, finalist
2005 - AXIS japan design magazine - Panasonic imagine 2014
2005 - Bill Gates presents haiku tablet at WINHEC 2005
2004 - Macef - "Reuse-Rethink" contest - quarter finalist